Isle of Islay 2000
Loch Tallant is a shallow loch in a
nutrient-poor peaty basin:
marginal vegetation is gradually encroaching
on the open water and the loch is now only a remnant of the original.
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L. Conailbhe L. Tallant Ankistrodesmus + Aphanocapsa Cyanobacteria: globular cells evenly spaced
in colonial mucilage;
frequently in pairs.
No pseudovacuoles + + Aphanothece Cyanobacteria: elongate cells in colonial mucilage + Asterionella Diatom + Botryococcus sp. Chlorophyte
(these two images of iodine-stained colonies + (unstained) + Caloneis silicula Diatom + Ceratium sp. Dinoflagellate + Chroococcus + Closterium acutum Desmid + Closterium ?costatum Desmid + Closterium juncidum Desmid + Closterium ?ralfsii Desmid + Closterium setaceum Desmid + Closterium ulna + Coelastrum sp. Chlorophyte: spherical or polygonal cells forming a hollow ball + Coelosphaerium sp.(a)
(a) "natural colours", focussed on top surface
(b)"natural colours", focussed on edge of colony(c)
(c) Preserved with Lugol's Iodine: surface
(d) Lugol's: focussed on colony edge Cyanobacteria: Cells in a 3-dimensional colony; in pairs or multiples. No individual or group sheaths visible: cells appear to be distributed at the periphery of the colony + Cosmarium ?blyttii Desmid + Cosmarium depressum Desmid + Euastrum bidentatum Desmid + Euastrum denticulatum Desmid + Euastrum dubium Desmid + Euastrum oblongum Desmid + Euastrum verrucosum Desmid + Fragilaria capucina Diatom + + Glaucocystis Glaucophyta + Gloeocapsa Cyanobacteria: + + Gloeocystis Chlorophyte + Gomphosphaeria sp.
Cyanobacteria: cells heart-shaped or round,
at the end of radiating
strands of mucilage + + Massartia sp. Dinoflagellate + Merismopedia Cyanobacteria + Micrasterias crux-melitensis Desmid + Microcystis Cyanobacteria: cells crowded in colonial mucilage. + + Mougeotia sp. 8µm. Chlorophyte + Navicula radiosa Diatom + Netrium interruptum Desmid + Nitzschia sigmoidea Diatom + Oedogonium 6µm Chlorophyte + + Oedogonium 11µm Chlorophyte + Ophiocytium Xanthophyte + Oscillatoria sp. Cyanobacteria + Pediastrum sp. Chlorophyte: cells adjoined to form circular plates,
with the marginal cells frequently different from the internal
ones (often ornamented with protuberances)
+ Pediastrum boryanum Chlorophyte + Pediastrum sp. (?boryanum)
Chlorophyte + Pinnularia cardinalicus Diatom + Scenedesmus quadricauda Chlorophyte + Sorastrum sp. Chlorophyte + Spirulina Cyanobacteria + Staurastrum armigerum fo. furcigerum Desmid + Synechococcus sp. Cyanobacteria: + Tabellaria floculosa Diatom + Tabellaria fenestrata v. fenestrata Diatom + Tribonema 6µm Xanthophyte + Xanthidium antilopeum Desmid + Xanthidium cristatum Desmid (fixed Lugol's iodine) +
Page last updated 08/12/19
John Kinross