Isle of Lismore lochs: preliminary study - Aug. 2016
(samples collected by D Jardine)
Lismore lies in the Firth of Lorn and is more fertile than most of the nearby Scottish mainland or islands, due to its limestone geology.
Its name in Gaelic means ' the big garden'. It contains 3 major lochs which have quite deep, fairly clear waters.
Kilcheran Loch |
Loch Balnagowan |
Loch Fiart |
NM 830394 |
NM 858426 |
NM 812379 |
pH (paper) |
7-8 |
7-8 |
7-8 |
Anabaena sp. |
Caloneis amphisbaena |
; |
+ |
Calothrix |
+ |
Ceratium |
+ |
Chaetophora incrassata |
+ |
Chara sp. |
+ |
+ |
Closterium aciculare |
+ |
Cosmarium botrytis |
+ |
Cosmarium moniliforme |
+ |
+ |
Cylindrocystis |
+ |
Cymatopleura solea |
+ |
Cymbella aspera |
+ |
Dichothrix |
+ |
Diploneis ovalis |
+ |
Encyonema |
+ |
+ |
Epithemia adnata |
+ |
Fragilaria |
+ |
Gloeocystis |
+ |
Gomphonema |
+ |
Hyalotheca |
+ |
Mallomonas |
+ |
Microcystis |
+ |
Mougeotia 8 µm |
+ |
+ |
Mougeotia 16 µm |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Mougeotia 20µm |
+ |
+ |
Mougeotia 24µm |
+ |
Navicula gregaria |
+ |
Navicula lanceolata |
+ |
Navicula oblonga |
+ |
Navicula radiosa |
+ |
Navicula reinhardtii |
+ |
Nitzschia recta |
+ |
Nitzschia scalaris |
+ |
Oedogonium 15µm |
+ |
Oscillatoria 8µm |
+ |
+ |
Pediastrum |
+ |
+ |
Pediastrum boryanum |
+ |
Scenedesmus |
+ |
Spirogyra 11µm |
+ |
Spirogyra 17µm |
+ |
+ |
Spirogyra 21µm |
+ |
+ |
Staurastrum |
Staurastrum cingulum v. obesum |
+ |
Staurodesmus dejectus fo. apiculatus |
+ |
Tabellaria fenestrata v. asterionelloides |
+ |
Tolypothrix |
+ |
+ |
Zygnema 20µm |
+ |
+ |
Zygnema 27µm |
+ |
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