Algal List, Millport reservoirs, October 2006
Napier University

Collected during the MSc Aquatic Ecosystem Management's October 2006 field trip to the Marine Station

The class remit was to perform a microbiological examination of the tourist beaches, then come up with (theoretical) design recommendations for sewage treatment, and for drinking water purification based on an old reservoir. We sampled the algae as a guide to the quality of the fresh water supply. Camphill reservoir, in the hills near Largs, is the source of the current water supply for Cumbrae piped under the channel).

(For previous years' results: click on the year 2002  2003 2004  2005)

  Millport upper
  Millport Lower
  Conductivity µS
Species Group
Anabaena sp. Cyanobacteria
Aphanizomenon sp.


Aphanocapsa sp.


Asterionella formosa diatom
Asterococcus Chlorophyte
Asterocystis (Chroodactylon) Chlorophyte
Audouinella Rhodophyte
Aulacoseira sp. Diatom
Botryococcus sp. Chlorophyte
Ceratium hirundinella Dinoflagellate
Cladophora sp. Chlorophyte
Closterium acerosum Chlorophyte
Closterium ?cornu Chlorophyte


Closterium incurvum Chlorophyte
Closterium kuetzingii Chlorophyte
Cocconeis placentula Diatom
Coelastrum sphaericum Chlorophyte


Coelosphaerium Cyanobacteria
Coenochloris fottii Chlorophyte
?Coenococcus polycoccus Chlorophyte

Cosmarium ?blyttii Chlorophyte
Cosmarium turpinii Chlorophyte
Cymatopleura elliptica Diatom
Cymatopleura solea Diatom
Cymbella aspera Diatom
Desmidium swartzii Chlorophyte
Dictyosphaerium Chlorophyte
Epithemia sp. Diatom
Eucapsis ?alpina Cyano
Eudorina Chlorophyte
Fragilaria capucina Diatom


Geminella 11µm. Chlorophyte


Gomphonema truncatum Diatom
Gonatozygon ?monotaenium Chlorophyte
Gyrosigma sp. Diatom
Kirchneriella Chlorophyte
Mallomonas caudata Chrysophyte
?Merismopedia Cyanobacteria
Micrasterias americana Chlorophyte
Microcystis sp. Cyanobacteria
Microspora 17µm. Chlorophyte
Mougeotia 8µm. Chlorophyte
Mougeotia 11µm. Chlorophyte
Mougeotia 14µm. Chlorophyte
Mougeotia 16µm. Chlorophyte
Mougeotia 22µm. Chlorophyte
Mougeotia 30µm. Chlorophyte
Navicula radiosa Diatom
Oedogonium 6µm. Chlorophyte
Oedogonium 15µm. Chlorophyte
Oedogonium 30µm. Chlorophyte  
Oedogonium 56µm. Chlorophyte  
Oscillatoria 3µm. Cyanobacteria
Oscillatoria 8µm. Cyanobacteria
Pediastrum boryanum Chlorophyte
Pediastrum boryanum v. cornutum Chlorophyte
Pediastrum duplex ?v. rugulosum Chlorophyte
Phormidium 8µm. Cyanobacteria
Scenedesmus sp. Chlorophyte
?Sphaerocystis Chlorophyte
->Increasing amounts of Lugol's Iodine->
Spirogyra 20µm. Chlorophyte
single cells? 
Spondylosium planum Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?asperum Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?avicula Chlorophyte
Staurastrum armigerum fo. furcigerum Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?brebissonii Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?chaetoceras Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?cyrtocerum Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?gracile Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?johnsonii Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?muticum Chlorophyte
Staurastrum ?planctonicum Chlorophyte
Staurodesmus dejectus Chlorophyte
Staurodesmus ?megacanthus Chlorophyte
growing on Woronichinia
Synedra acus Diatom
Synedra ulna Diatom
Tabellaria flocculosa Diatom
Tabellaria fenestrata v. asterionelloides Diatom  
Tribonema 8µm. Xanthophyte
Ulothrix 8µm. Chlorophyte
Woronichinia Cyanobacteria
Typical morphology
Showing mucilage
(surrounded by Microcystis)
presence of mucilaginous tubes may be revealed when cells are sometimes squeezed out
from the tubes by pressure under a coverslip
two colony morphologies, but both appear to be Woronichinia, mucilage more evident on the right
another showing mucilage (last 2 images with Lugol's Iodine)

Xanthidium antilopaeum Chlorophyte
Zygnema 20µm. Chlorophyte
Zygnema 35µm. Chlorophyte

Compare with 2002  2003 2004 2005 reservoir algae

John Kinross