Phylum Chlorophyta; sub-phylum Chlorophyceae; Order Zygnematales
There are two groups of Desmids: the "Placoderm" and the "Saccoderm" Desmids.
Placoderm desmids have cells composed of two halves (semicells), often almost divided from each other by deep median incisions. The cells are symmetrical about 3 planes, and often bear elaborate ornamentation. Genera are Cosmarium, Cosmocladium, Euastrum, Micrasterias, Staurastrum, Staurodesmus, Xanthidium.Saccoderm desmids are simple shapes, cylindrical or spindle-shaped, rarely with any median constriction. This group forms the family Mesotaeniaceae and includes the genera Cylindrocystis, Mesotaenium, Netrium, Roya, Spirotaenia, Tortitaenia, and, in the suborder Closteriinae, Closterium, Gonatozygon and Penium, and in the suborder Desmidiinae, Actinotaenium.
KEY to Genera:
Go to: |
1a | Cells solitary, symmetrical |
2 | |
1b |
Cells in colonies or linked together in filaments |
15 | |
2a | Cells more or less cylindrical |
3 | |
2b | Cells a more complex shape |
9 | |
3a | Cells with a median constriction |
4 | |
3b | Cells without a median constriction |
6 | |
4a | Median constriction slight |
4b | Median constriction conspicuous |
5 | |
5a | Apex without a median notch |
Pleurotaenium | |
5b | Apex with a median notch |
Tetmemorus (no illustration available) | |
6a | Chloroplasts 2 simple ribbons |
Gonatozygon | |
6b | Chloroplasts 2, stellate or ridged |
7 | |
7a | Walls smooth, without pores |
8 | |
7b | Walls with pores / granulation / striation |
8a | Choloroplasts stellate |
Cylindrocystis | |
8b | Chloroplast ridged with notched edges |
Netrium | |
9a | Cells flattened from front to rear, with distinct median isthmus |
(side view) (frontal view) | 10 |
9b | Cells radially symmetrical, with distinct median isthmus |
(end-on view) (Frontal view) | 14 |
10a | Lateral margins not incised |
11 | |
10b | Lateral margins slightly incised; apex with a deep notch or slightly depressed |
Euastrum | |
10c | Lateral margins deeply incised | Micrasterias | |
11a | With marginal spines |
12 | |
11b | Without marginal spines |
13 | |
12a | Cell face has a central protuberance |
Xanthidium | |
12b | No central protuberance |
Staurodesmus | |
13a | Angles of semicells extended into processes |
Staurastrum | |
13b | Angles of semicells not extended into processes |
Cosmarium | |
14a | With spines at angles |
Staurodesmus | |
14b | Angles of semicells extended into processes |
Staurastrum |
15a | Colonies of Cosmarium-like cells connected by mucilage strands |
Cosmocladium | |
15b | Cells linked together as filaments |
16 | |
16a | Cells linked by apical processes |
17 | |
16b | Cells not linked by apical processes |
18 | |
17a | linked by a single apical process | Sphaerozosma | |
17b | linked by paired apical processes | Onychonema | |
18a | Cells flattened, not radially symmetrical in apical view | 19 | |
18b | Cells radially symmetrical in apical view: filament appearing to twist as cells are linked slightly offset from each other | 20 | |
19a | Cells divided by a deep median sinus, somewhat Cosmarium-like: linked together at the poles |
21 | |
19b | Cells rather barrel-shaped, without a median sinus. Filament in a mucilage sheath sometimes with a fibrillar structure clearly visible: single stellate chloroplast. | Hyalotheca | |
20a | Cell with a median notch | Desmidium | |
20b | Cells markedly barrel-shaped, with a shallow median sinus |
Bambusina | |
21a | Cells linked by small apical granules |
Teilingia | |
21b | Cells linked at flattened apices, no granules |
Spondylosium planum | |
22a | Cells short, cylindrical | Penium | |
22b | Cells tapering, straight to strongly curved |
Closterium | |
This key owes much to the diagrammetic key in Desmids of the English Lake District, by EM Lind and AJ Brook, Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside
John Kinross